Building Facade Systems
Unitized Systems

Curtain walls
Natural Stone Panel Curtainwall Systems
Discover how natural stone curtainwall systems can benefit your building design.
Unitized curtain wall systems utilizing natural stone panels are revolutionizing the way architects design building exteriors. By removing the burden of having to carry the structural loads, these systems free walls from the challenges posed by traditional stone buildings while allowing architects unlimited freedom in their re-imagining of an outer façade.
Steel and aluminum framed curtain walls contain infills of stone panels ranging from 1 1/4″ to 3″ thick. Together, they are suspended in front of the superstructure and anchored back to the building. Each unit is factory pre-assembled, reducing installation labor onsite while maintaining a high level of aesthetic and technical performance. Natural stone curtainwalls can also be adapted for interior use where separation of space is desired for multi-story atriums or stairwells.
Stone Faced UHPC
The Power Of Natural stone And Materials Science: Stone-Faced Ultra High Performance Concrete Facade Panels
Stone-faced UHPC facade panels made with Polycor stones provide a unique, natural alternative to traditional concrete cladding.
Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is the ideal solution for architects and engineers looking to create stone-faced precast concrete veneers with extreme strength and durability. What sets UHPC apart from traditional concrete is a micro-engineered material composition and closed particle packing matrix, providing superior structural stability for building envelopes.
Polycor stone panels are laid face down in molds, followed by layers of uncoupling membranes, rebar and poured concrete resulting in composite UHPC panels. With the ability to construct gigantic monolithic stone wall structures quickly, tower cranes can be used to tilt UHPC panels into place. By harnessing the power of material science engineering, these innovative stone-faced UHPC facade panels provide unique concrete cladding design and performance capabilities.